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Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Midnight-Market Lane Coffee

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Midnight and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

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Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Midnight

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Midnight and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

Timemore Chestnut C3 Grinder-Market Lane Coffee This fantastic hand grinder is easy to use, and provides a super smooth grinding experience. Great for home use and travel.
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Timemore Chestnut C3 Grinder
This fantastic hand grinder is easy to use, and provides a super smooth grinding experience. Great for home use and travel.
Kinto To Go Tumbler (360ml)-Market Lane Coffee This convenient reusable takeaway cup is vacuum-insulated, so it keeps your coffee nice and hot (or your iced coffee cold!) when you’re on the go.
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Kinto To Go Tumbler (360ml)
This convenient reusable takeaway cup is vacuum-insulated, so it keeps your coffee nice and hot (or your iced coffee cold!) when you’re on the go.
Kinto To Go Tumbler (360ml)
Market Lane Coffee
Futagami Brass Galaxy Trivet-Market Lane Coffee A beautiful brass trivet made in Japan. Perfect for resting a hot kettle or a pot of freshly brewed coffee.
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Futagami Brass Trivet
A beautiful brass trivet made in Japan. Perfect for resting a hot kettle or a pot of freshly brewed coffee.
Futagami Brass Trivet
Market Lane Coffee
Coffee Tea Bundle-Market Lane Coffee An online-only special bundle of two coffee teas.
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Coffee Tea Bundle
An online-only special bundle of two coffee teas.
Hasami Mug (Small)-Equipment-Market Lane Coffee These beautiful mugs are made in Hasami, a town in Japan’s Nagasaki prefecture that is regarded as one of Japan’s leading pottery districts.
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Hasami Mug (Small)
These beautiful mugs are made in Hasami, a town in Japan’s Nagasaki prefecture that is regarded as one of Japan’s leading pottery districts.
Gloss Grey
Hasami Mug (Small)
Market Lane Coffee
Cascara Coffee Tea-Market Lane Coffee A unique and refreshing tea produced in Bolivia that is made from the sun-dried fruit skin of coffee cherries.
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Cascara Coffee Tea
A unique and refreshing tea produced in Bolivia that is made from the sun-dried fruit skin of coffee cherries.
Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Brass-Market Lane Coffee

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Brass and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

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Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Brass

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Brass and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Copper - Market Lane Coffee

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Copper and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

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Moccamaster Classic 1.25L Coffee Maker Copper

The Moccamaster Classic brews exceptional and consistent filter coffee for the whole household or office. Available in Copper and other colours.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: get a 3-month Market Lane Coffee Subscription with purchase!

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